Austin Community College Tuition Table

Earn a high-quality education and save on college costs with ACC’s affordable tuition rates and fees.

Estimate your costs by using the tables below. Learn more about Costs of Attendance (COA).

Use the college costs calculator to add up your total costs for tuition, fees, textbooks, supplies, living expenses, transportation, and more.

Note to high school graduates: Find out if you’re eligible for the ACC Free Tuition Pilot Program!

ACC Tuition and Fees Per Credit Hours

Most ACC classes are 3 credit hours. A full course load per semester is 12-16 credits, or 4 classes per semester. Find out how much your classes may cost next semester using the table below. 

ACC students pay $67  in tuition plus $18 in various fees, for a total of $85 per credit hour. Out-of-district students pay an additional $201 fee, for a total of $286 per credit hour. 

Not sure if you’re in-district or out-of-district? Learn more about the ACC District & Service Area to better understand your tuition and fees.

*The below table is a calculation of tuition per credit hour + general fees. 

Credit Hours In-District Out-of-District Out-of-State &
International Students
1 $85 $286 $353
2 $170 $572 $706
3 $255 $858 $1,059
4 $340 $1,144 $1,412
5 $425 $1,430 $1,765
6 $510 $1,716 $2,118
7 $595 $2,002 $2,471
8 $680 $2,288 $2,824
9 $765 $2,574 $3,177
10 $850 $2,860 $3,530
11 $935 $3,146 $3,883
12 $1,020 $3,432 $4,236
13 $1,105 $3,718 $4,589
14 $1,190 $4,004 $4,942
15 $1,275 $4,290 $5,295

ACC Fees

If you’re taking classes in certain programs that require special labs or equipment, you have additional fees. Find other possible fees below.

Fee or Charge Fee Type Description
Out of District Fee Student $201 per credit hour – Fee is charged to Texas resident students who live outside the ACC District.
General fee Student $15 per credit hour – Fee is used as a pledge against the Revenue Bond Debt Service payment. Revenue bonds are used to improve and construct the college’s facilities.
Student success fee Student $2 per credit hour – (formerly Student Activity Fee) Fee is charged to enhance student success via student life, student activities, and other services provided by the College.
Student Accident
Student $1 per course. See information about Student Accident Insurance.
Sustainability fee Student The fee is $1 per semester credit hour, with the average student paying $8 a semester.
Student Parking fee Student FREE
First Day Book Fee Course Varies. See information about First Day Classes.
Course fee Course $50 per course
Certain courses provide additional instruction over the standard credit hour-based lecture (e.g., science labs). ACC charges the course fee for the costs associated with those courses.
Health Professions
Insurance fee
Course $10 per course
Site fee Course Varies; see course description
(DUAL students)
Course $150 per course charged to DUAL (formerly ECS) students when enrolled in a tuition exempt courses offered at an ACC campus (exceptions apply). Visit the dual credit website for more information.
Third Course Attempt Course $60 per credit hour for any course you have attempted three or more times will be added to the tuition charged for that course. See third course attempt/repeat courses.

Need Help Paying for College?

Financial aid, including student loans, grants, scholarships, and more, can help cover part or all of the costs of attending college. Explore financial aid and payment plan options.

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